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All posts by: wfoster

What Debt Collectors Can And Can’t Do

The repeated phone calls and letters from debt collectors can be enough to drive you up a wall. Just because you owe a creditor money does not give them the right to do whatever they want. The law recognizes this...

Debt Settlement vs Bankruptcy

Debt Settlement vs Bankruptcy You may have heard commercials from debt settlement companies promising to settle debts for pennies on the dollar or for low monthly payments. You should be skeptical about these claims. Many national debt settlement companies do...

How Often Can I File Bankruptcy?

Repeat Bankruptcy Filings: How Often Can you file? An attorney will look-up your previous bankruptcy filing to verify the date. The timelines start with the date of filing not the date of discharge. Waiting Periods Apply to Discharge First, some...

What does the bankruptcy trustee do with funds in an asset case?

Some cases result in the surrender or liquidation of non-exempt assets. There are known as asset cases. In an asset case, the trustee sends notice to creditors advising them that they must file a claim by a certain deadline. In...

7 Ways to Rebuild Your Credit After Bankruptcy

Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy Sometimes people make mistakes when it comes to business decisions, resulting in debts that are simply impossible to repay. This forces them to make the uncomfortable decision of filing for bankruptcy. Doing so is never an...

Will I lose my home if I file bankruptcy?

What happens to your home when you file bankruptcy depends on how much equity you have in the home and which chapter of bankruptcy you file. In a chapter 7 bankruptcy, your home is at risk of being liquidated if...

Bankruptcy Myths

Bankruptcy Myths Collection agencies and creditors will often call debtors and allege that unsecured debts that have been reduced to judgments and credit card bills are no longer dischargeable in bankruptcy. These and other similar allegations made by debt collectors...

Which Chapter of Bankruptcy Is Right For Me?

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, then you may be aware that there are a few different types from which to choose. What you might not know is that, depending on your financial situation, you might not qualify for...

Navigating Bankruptcy: Smart Approaches To Managing Loans And Debts

Consumer debt is at an all-time high. According to Experian, U.S. consumer debt grew by 6%, from $800 billion to $14.88 trillion in 2020, the highest annual growth recorded in over a decade. Experiencing being in debt is nothing to...

What happens to mortgages in bankruptcy?

What happens to mortgages in bankruptcy? It  depends on which chapter of bankruptcy you file under and what your intentions are. Chapter 7 If you file a chapter 7 and you want to keep the home, you will continue making...