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Posts filed under: Bankruptcy Attorney Denver

Debt Settlement vs Bankruptcy

Debt Settlement vs Bankruptcy You may have heard commercials from debt settlement companies promising to settle debts for pennies on the dollar or for low monthly payments. You should be skeptical about these claims. Many national debt settlement companies do...

7 Ways to Rebuild Your Credit After Bankruptcy

Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy Sometimes people make mistakes when it comes to business decisions, resulting in debts that are simply impossible to repay. This forces them to make the uncomfortable decision of filing for bankruptcy. Doing so is never an...

Bankruptcy Myths

Bankruptcy Myths Collection agencies and creditors will often call debtors and allege that unsecured debts that have been reduced to judgments and credit card bills are no longer dischargeable in bankruptcy. These and other similar allegations made by debt collectors...

What happens to mortgages in bankruptcy?

What happens to mortgages in bankruptcy? It  depends on which chapter of bankruptcy you file under and what your intentions are. Chapter 7 If you file a chapter 7 and you want to keep the home, you will continue making...

Common Payday Loan Mistakes

Life is unpredictable. Our circumstances can change without warning and this includes our finances. You may find yourself in a situation where necessary expenditures exceed your income. This is where payday loans seem like the only alternative: you receive money...

Can I Defend Against an Auto Loan Deficiency Balance?

Can I defend against a deficiency balance on an auto loan? Did the creditor provide you the required notices as provided by Article 9., C.R.S. § 4-9-611-616.? An attorney can assist in determine whether the notices complied with the law....

Debt Consolidation Versus Bankruptcy

If you are like the millions of Americans struggling with debt, it is important that you know that there are options. While bankruptcy may be one of those options, it may not be the best fit for your specific financial...

How Much Does Bankruptcy Cost?

During these unprecedented times, you may be one of the millions of Americans facing financial difficulties. Creditors hounding you and threatening to take your property can begin to take a toll. While you are making your best effort to satisfy...

Should I file chapter 13 bankruptcy if I have equity in my home?

If the equity in your home exceeds the exemption limit in Colorado, you may be at risk of losing your home by filing a chapter 7 (liquidation). In such cases, I recommend filing a chapter 13 (reorganization/non-liquidation). In most cases,...

What if my spouse doesn’t file bankruptcy with me?

What if my spouse doesn’t file bankruptcy with me? It is common for married individuals to file bankruptcy without including their spouse in the petition. An individual bankruptcy will not affect your spouse’s credit. Your credit profile is attached to...