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What Does Filing For Bankruptcy Mean?

If you are like the millions of Americans who are stuck in a seemingly never-ending cycle of debt, you are probably searching for a way out. You’ve done your best to meet your obligations, but you still may not be...

Discharge student loans outside of Bankruptcy

There are many Student loan workout programs to choose from. For disabled student loan borrowers, there is a program that can discharge their student loans entirely known as the Total and Permanent Disability Program (TPD). See www.disabilitydischarge.com. There are a...

Top Three Reasons People File Bankruptcy

To Stop Creditor Harassment and Garnishments By law, the creditors must stop calling you once you have retained bankruptcy counsel or have filed bankruptcy. By hiring an experienced attorney you can transfer those unwelcome calls to the attorney’s office. Once...

Preparing for bankruptcy. Required Documents

Sources of income: You must document all sources of your income for the seven calendar months prior to the month the bankruptcy case is filed. If you file in July, you will need all your paystubs from January 1st through...

Chapter 13 Confirmation Hearing

After a debtor files for chapter 13 bankruptcy, the court schedules a confirmation hearing. If there are no objections to the debtor’s proposed chapter 13 repayment plan, the court will vacate the hearing and confirm the chapter 13 plan without...